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How to Choose The Perfect Resolution in CS2?

#How to

Each shooter has many settings that are designed to improve the user experience. Everyone can customize the game to suit their convenience or hardware capabilities. In this article we will look at the monitor resolution settings. We’ll find out what exactly this or that screen resolution affects and help you choose the best one for you.

What is Resolution?

Monitor resolution is the number of pixels the monitor can display horizontally and vertically. It is usually expressed as the number of pixels in width by the number of pixels in height. For example, a resolution of 1920 x 1080 means that the monitor can display 1920 pixels horizontally and 1080 pixels vertically.

Resolution is an essential factor in determining how clear and detailed images and text appear on a monitor. Higher resolutions typically result in sharper images and more detailed content, while lower resolutions may appear less crisp and smooth.

Resolution affects not only the picture itself but also the resources of your PC.

How does screen resolution work

The higher the resolution of your monitor, the more pixels the GPU has to process, and accordingly, the more resources it spends on it. Reducing the monitor resolution can lead to an increase in FPS and eliminate lag. To play with the most comfortable resolution and not worry about performance, you need the best GPU for cs2.

If your FPS does not change when you change the resolution, then your hardware has enough resources for the requirements of CS 2. Reducing the expansion is suitable if you do not have the most powerful PC. In such cases, we recommend setting the game settings to Aspect Ratio 4:3 and a resolution that is convenient for you.

Saving resources is only one of the reasons for shooting at a lower resolution, and this one has one more nuance.

Why Resolution is Important

Many pro players use 4:3 resolution, even though they have very powerful PCs. Most of the professionals had also played previous versions of the game and they were already accustomed to this monitor resolution. The trick here is how I like the effect of the picture that you see on the screen at a low resolution.

Simply put, it becomes more stretched. All objects, including enemy models, become wider and, according to the players, easier to hit. It’s worth saying right away that the opponent’s model at low resolution only visually becomes wider. With a stretched resolution, any movements on the map are visually accelerated and this is quite noticeable compared to, for example, Full HD (1920 x 1080).

Another critical factor is the monitor itself. Each monitor has its standard resolution, and its default value can vary. When changing the resolution, black bars may appear at the bottom and top of the monitor. Therefore, you should choose the best monitor for cs2.

Aspect ratio 4:3 resolution will stretch your image only if the black bars on the sides are turned off. Therefore, let’s figure out how to disable black bars and which resolution will be best for you.

How to Find the Best Personal Resolution

In order to choose the best resolution you will need to try it out. There is no universal option to choose from; each has its own pros and cons. Let’s first try what the pro players play on, namely Aspect Ratio 4:3 and stretched resolution (without black bars).

To remove black bars, you will first need to go to CS 2 and in the settings menu, find the “Video” tab and go to the “Video” submenu. Make sure that the “Display Mode” is full screen (otherwise you won’t be able to set it to 4:3). In Screen Format, select Normal 4:3. Select the resolution that suits you (we recommend setting it to the highest), then Click “Apply Changes”.

To remove black bars, open the Nvidia control panel (to do this, right-click on the Windows desktop and select the appropriate context menu item). Then go to the “Adjust desktop size and position” section. In the second menu item “Scaling”, select the “Full Screen” option. Also, in the “Perform scaling on” item, be sure to put “GPU”. Finally, click “Apply”.

As for choosing the best resolution here, let’s refer to professional players. Most of them play with a stretched image of 4:3 (without black bars) and with a resolution of 1280 x 960 or 1024 x 768. This is how Simple, ZywOo, m0NESY, donk and many others play.

It is also worth mentioning that they have been playing with these monitor settings for many years and they have simply gotten used to it. It is impossible to say that this or that quality of resolution is better. The main factor here is your preference. If playing at a low resolution is not convenient for you, there is no need to force yourself.

If none of the resolutions available in the game suits you, then you can create your own custom one.

Custom Resolution for CS2

To create your custom resolution in CS 2 you need to go to the Nvidia control panel. On the left side, select “Change resolution” and click “Customize” at the bottom. In the window that opens, select “Create Custom Resolution”. A window should open in which you should set the values for your custom resolution in the “Horizontal Pixels” and “Vertical lines” items.

After you have saved the resolution you created, go to CS 2 and try it out. It will only be available with Aspect Ratio 4:3. It is best to try out the new extension in deathmatch mode. With a little experimentation, you will definitely find the resolution that suits you.

As soon as you set the desired resolution in the game, it will automatically be saved in your cs2 config and you will not need to perform this action constantly.

To Sum Up

Resolution in CS 2 is an important factor that directly affects your gameplay. Each type of resolution has its pros and cons. At 16:9 there is a large viewing angle and excellent picture quality, but the scale of details is quite small, which can make it difficult for you to aim. With a 4:3 setting, it is easier to aim where you need to, but the picture quality suffers and the viewing angle is slightly smaller.

It’s difficult to say which resolution is best, because each player is different and different monitor settings will suit different players. You can always adjust your resolution to suit you by using your video card settings to create a custom resolution. To learn more about useful CS 2 settings, read our blog.


Which 2 resolutions are the most popular?

The most popular resolutions in CS 2 are 1280 x 960 and 1024 x 768. They are used by approximately 71% of professional players and many ordinary users.

Why are pros playing with 4:3?

The main advantages of playing in 4:3 format are improved performance. With this resolution, your PC will need to process a minimum number of pixels to increase FPS.

What is the best stretch res for CS2?

The best stretched resolution for CS 2 is 1280 x 1024. At this resolution, you save your PC resources and minimally degrade the visual quality of graphics and visuals.

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