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CS2 Knife Commands List: How to Test Any Knife in Counter-Strike Source 2

#How to

Now, skins and in-game items are a common thing that is common to every game. Although CS2 was not the first shooter to introduce skins for weapons, with their appearance, the game acquired some diversity. Knives have become especially valuable skins in Counter-Strike Source 2. That is precisely what we will observe here.

How To Test Knives In CS2

In CS2, it is possible to inspect objects without having them in your inventory, including knives. There are special console commands that allow the player to inspect and play with a particular knife. Unfortunately, only the basic version of the item is available (without coloring), but nevertheless, you can evaluate the unique inspection animations and take a closer look before purchasing.

To conduct the inspection, you must run a local server with custom mode. Both cards from the workshop and ordinary ones that are in the gaming pool are suitable.

How To Set Up A Custom Game In CS2

To start a custom game, select a map. Any map will be suitable for a local server, both with and without bots. For a clear example, let’s take any official card from the pool, for example, Mirage.

Set Up A Custom Game In CS2

After loading the map, remove all bots using the bot_kick console command. Also, type sv_cheats true into the console to allow future changes. Then just copy this list of commands and paste it into the console:

mp_roundtime_defuse 60;mp_roundtime_hostage 60;mp_roundtime 60;mp_restartgame 1

With their help, the game will restart the round, and now it will last longer so that you can start testing knives.

CS2 Knife Commands List

Each knife in the game has its own console command, but first, you need to enter mp_drop_knife_enable true into the console, otherwise, you will not be able to pick up a knife for testing. That is necessary because the knife will be added to the map an exchange for the dropped one. The main thing here is that you need to aim at the dropped knife model and only then type in the command.

CS2 Knife Commands List

Here are the list of all commands to spawn the knife at CS2:

Bayonet knifesubclass_change 500
Bowie knifesubclass_change 514
Butterfly knifesubclass_change 515
Falchion knifesubclass_change 512
Flip knifesubclass_change 505
Gut knifesubclass_change 506
Huntsman knifesubclass_change 509
Karambit knifesubclass_change 507
M9 Bayonet knifesubclass_change 508
Navaja knifesubclass_change 520
Nomad knifesubclass_change 521
Paracord knifesubclass_change 517
Shadow Daggers knifesubclass_change 516
Skeleton knifesubclass_change 525
Stiletto knifesubclass_change 522
Survival knifesubclass_change 518
Talon knifesubclass_change 523
Ursus knifesubclass_change 519

All these commands must be typed exactly as in the example above. After entering the knife command, the selected weapon will replace the knife you are watching at. Throw away your current knife, type another command, and pick up the new knife.

Wrapping Up!

After a successfully played round, everyone wants to twirl a beautiful skin for a knife in their hands. Before choosing which one to buy, we advise you to look at and test all the knives because you cannot be sure until you try everything. You will only spend a few minutes, but you will definitely be sure that you did not make a mistake!

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FAQs Regarding CS2 Knife Commands

How do you test out knives in CS2?

You can test the knife on a local CS2 server using the console command subclass_change number but instead of “number” enter the code name of the knife you need.

What is the command for knives in CS2?

This is a command that will spawn the selected knife on the server after you have entered it into the developer console.

How do you test a knife-glove combo?

There are special community servers where you can test a combination of any skins and gloves in any quality and pattern.

What is a knife test?

You can inspect and test this knife before making a purchase. This will give you the opportunity to be more objective in your choice.

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